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Compliance Assistance Website and Assistance Centers Seek Public Feedback
Release Date: 10/09/2003
Contact Information:
Luke Hester 202-564-7818 / [email protected]
(10/09/03) The National Environmental Compliance Assistance Clearinghouse and the Compliance Assistance Centers, are asking people who use their services to fill out surveys to let them know how the information and services they provide are helping users improve their environmental performance.
Compliance Assistnace Clearinghouse Asks Users for Advice
EPA announces it is requesting users of the National Environmental Compliance Assistance Clearinghouse to complete a five-minute online survey. The Clearinghouse, which is operated by EPA, provides links to compliance assistance resources from the agency, Internet, federal, state and local governments and tribal agencies. The Clearinghouse also provides a discussion forum to promote collaboration and information exchange. EPA developed the Clearinghouse in cooperation with states, industry, academic institutions and other organizations and now wants to hear about how it is doing. The online survey asks users how they use the website and whether it has helped them find information more quickly, exchange information or improve compliance with environmental regulations. Users are asked to go to: and fill out the short survey. Survey respondents will be entered into a drawing for a survey promotion.
Compliance Assistance Center Want to Hear from Users
Compliance Assistance Centers (Centers) are operated by non-profit organizations and universities. The Centers are asking those who use their services to let them know how they are doing. The Centers were designed by and for industry and government agencies in partnership with the EPA so that the regulated community will know how they can meet environmental requirements. In addition, EPA operates Centers for federal facilities and the agriculture sector. Businesses, local governments, federal facilities, assistance providers -- even first time visitors -- are asked to help the Centers better meet their needs by clicking on one or more Center websites and completing a short survey. Surveys should not take more than five minutes to complete. Respondents may be eligible for a survey promotion. Click on any of the Centers’ sector websites to learn more. The Centers’ survey are accessible at: .
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