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EPA Administrator to Teach Environmental Stewardship at Germantown (Md.) School - Roberto Clemente Middle School Works with School in India to Create International Cooperative Partnerships

Release Date: 04/27/2007
Contact Information: Jessica Emond, (202) 564-4355 / [email protected]

(Washington, D.C. - April 27, 2007) Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Stephen L. Johnson will visit Roberto Clemente Middle School. Students will present information about recent projects on the Chesapeake Bay and discuss the partnership with Srhi Ram School, their sister school in Delhi, India. Administrator Johnson recently returned from a trip to India where he visited the school and will talk with students about his journey.

Roberto Clemente Middle School and Srhi Ram School are part of the EPA's Twining of Schools Initiative. The initiative promotes environmental stewardship and develops intercultural dialogue. Through this initiative, students gain a global understanding for the importance of environmentally responsible behavior and learn to create international cooperative partnerships.

EPA Administrator Stephen L. Johnson

Monday, April 30, 2007
8:30 a.m. EDT

18808 Waring Station Road
Germantown, Md 20874

Brian Edwards, Director
MCPS Public Information Office
Tel.: (301) 279-3853