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Blog Question of the Week: What do you do to protect children from environmental hazards?
Release Date: 10/6/2008
Contact Information: Media Contact (for media only; please leave responses as comments on the blog): Jeffrey Levy, (202) 564-4355 / [email protected]
(Washington, D.C. – October 6, 2008) Ever wanted to tell EPA what you thought on an environmental topic? Each week, you have your chance in the EPA blog, Greenversations. Each question is an open-ended blog entry; please share your thoughts as comments.
This week's question:
What do you do to protect children from environmental hazards?
Many people don't realize children can be more sensitive to environmental exposures, indoors as well as outdoors. But there are many, often simple things we can do to protect children from environmental hazards, including avoiding asthma triggers such as secondhand smoke or mold. October is Children's Health Month.
¿Qué hace para proteger a los niños de los peligros medioambientales?
Muchas personas no se dan cuenta cuán más sensitivos son los niños a las exposiciones ambientales, tanto en entornos interiores como exteriores. Sin embargo, hay pasos, muchas veces sencillos, que usted puede tomar para proteger a los niños de los peligros ambientales, incluso el evitar los desencadenantes de asma como el tabaquismo pasivo o el moho. Octubre es el Mes de Salud Infantil.
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