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EPA cites Sturgis Iron and Metal for clean-air violations

Release Date: 08/15/2006
Contact Information: William Omohundro, (312) 353-8254, [email protected]

No. 06-OPA142

CHICAGO (Aug. 15, 2006) — U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 5 has cited Sturgis Iron and Metal Co. Inc. for alleged clean-air violations at the company’s secondary aluminum production plant, 3113 S. Gertrude St., South Bend, Ind.

EPA alleges that Sturgis operated a sweat furnace with an afterburner at the facility without complying with federal testing, planning, notification and recordkeeping requirements. These requirements are designed to ensure that the furnace meets emission standards for hazardous dioxins and furans.

“EPA’s mission is to protect public health and the environment,” said Acting Regional Administrator Bharat Mathur. “We will take whatever steps are needed to ensure compliance with the Clean Air Act.”

These are preliminary findings of violations. To resolve them, EPA may issue a compliance order, assess an administrative penalty or bring suit against the company. Sturgis has 30 days from receipt of the notice to meet with EPA to discuss resolving the allegations.

There is evidence that dioxins may cause liver damage and probably cause cancer in humans, while furans may also cause cancer.

Information on EPA Region 5’s air enforcement program is at Potential environmental violations may be reported at

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