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Recognition for Health Care Industry Leaders

Release Date: 04/19/2006
Contact Information: Enesta Jones, (202) 564-4355 / [email protected]

(4/19/06) One hundred ninety hospitals, health systems, and health care organizations across the country are being recognized today for their outstanding efforts to reduce medical waste, eliminate mercury, and improve environmental performance. These achievements are being recognized by the Hospitals for a Healthy Environment (H2E) program, a collaborative effort among EPA, the American Hospital Association, Health Care Without Harm, and the American Nurses Association.

Fourteen organizations will receive Environmental Leadership Awards, the H2E program's highest honor, at the annual H2E Awards Ceremony in Seattle. An additional 176 health care institutions will be recognized for their efforts to improve environmental performance. Achievements this year include a 46 percent recycling rate, saving two to five million gallons of water a month by using recycled water for landscaping, and eliminating 5000 pounds of waste by reprocessing single-use devices.

Complete list of the organizations receiving awards and descriptions of their achievements: