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Whitman to Announce Unprecedented Initiative for Reducing Pollution from NonRoad Diesel Engines

Release Date: 04/15/2003
Contact Information:

CONTACT: Cathy Milbourn, 202-564-7824/[email protected]

(04/15/03) EPA Administrator Christie Whitman today will announce a proposal to dramatically reduce emissions from nonroad diesel engines used in construction, agricultural and industrial equipment. This comprehensive national program will require stringent nonroad engine controls and reductions of sulfur in diesel fuel –an unprecedented program that will achieve enormous air quality improvements throughout the country.
      WHEN: 11:30 a.m, Tuesday, April 15th, 2003
Since visitor security clearance is required upon entry,
      early arrival is recommended.
      WHERE: EPA Ariel Rios North Building
      1200 Pennsylvania Ave, NW, 3rd floor “Green Room”
Enter 12th St./Federal Triangle Metro Entrance to Building

      CREDENTIALS: White House or Congressional press credentials required.
      METRO: Federal Triangle is closest station.
      Orange and Blue lines stop there.