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Stakeholder Statements - Clean Power Plan, Part Two

Release Date: 06/03/2014
Contact Information: EPA Press Office, [email protected]



Rep. Barbara Lee þ@RepBarbaraLee

Big news! @BarackObama announces big steps to cut carbon pollution and #ActOnClimate. See more here:

House of Reps. SEEC þ@SEEC
SEEC responds to first ever #carbonpollution standards: … #ActOnClimate @EPA @WhiteHouse

.@GinaEPA: "We are directed by our laws & it is reaffirmed by the courts that we r here 2 protect public health & the enviro" #ActOnClimate

.@GinaEPA: "1/10 kids suffer from asthma." #ActOnClimate @LungAssociation

.@GinaEPA: "There are no limits on carbon pollution from power plants, our nation's largest sources." #ActOnClimate

If we do nothing, we could see temps increase 10 degrees and seas rise 4 ft. It's abt protecting our homes, jobs #ActOnClimate @GinaEPA

We've cut air pollution by 70% while tripling the growth of our economy. We don't have to pick bet economy & enviro #ActOnClimate @GinaEPA

Watch @GinaEPA on today's #carbonpollution standards and the @EPA plan to #ActOnClimate:

.@SEEC Statement on Carbon Pollution Standard for Existing Sources

Rep. Keith Ellison þ@keithellison

A strong proposed rule to cut carbon pollution is essential to our future. I applaud the @EPA and @WhiteHouse:

Reducing carbon pollution from power plants will guarantee a healthier future for our children

In MN, we've had three 1,000-year flooding events in the last decade. We must slow the worst effects of climate change #ActOnClimate

Watch @GinaEPA of the @EPA talk about the new carbon rule:

VIDEO: It's time to #ActonClimate, Minnesota:

Paul Tonko þ@RepPaulTonko

Watch @GinaEPA discuss the biggest step yet to #ActOnClimate this morn at 10:30 AM ET

LIVE: @GinaEPA announces game-changing limits on the carbon pollution that fuels climate change: #ActOnClimate

I agree w/ the Conf. of Catholic Bishops: it's time to #ActOnClimate to ‘protect the health & welfare of all people.’

WATCH @GinaEPA announcing the most significant steps ever taken by the US to curb carbon and combat climate change:

Read more information on the administration's plan to #ActOnClimate here:

.@GinaEPA is about to take decisive action to set limits on carbon pollution and #ActOnClimate. Watch here:

Power plants responsible for 40% of carbon pollution in US and for first time, we're taking meaningful steps to #ActOnClimate and limit it

Chris Van Hollen þ@ChrisVanHollen

Today's new carbon standard will improve public health, create jobs & show the world the US is ready to #ActOnClimate change.

Jim Moran þ@Jim_Moran

@GinaEPA is about to lay the foundation for the largest reduction in carbon pollution ever proposed. Check it out at

Happening now: @GinaEPA decision to #ActOnClimate will lead us to a healthier future.

Read my full statement on @EPA & @GinaEPA game changing proposal to limit carbon emissions and #ActOnClimate -

Gerry Connolly þ@GerryConnolly

Today's Clean Power Plan will improve public health, create jobs, spur innovation & show the world the US is ready to lead on climate change

Rep. Scott Peters þ@RepScottPeters

HAPPENING NOW: @GinaEPA is announcing decisive steps to curb carbon pollution and #ActOnClimate. Watch here:

Rep. John Delaney þ@RepJohnDelaney

New EPA rules out today. Read my Washington Post oped here: … #ActOnClimate

Steve Israel þ@RepSteveIsrael

We researched, engineered, built to win WW2 & land on moon. Now we will again to stop weather xtremes.

Mike Quigley þ@RepMikeQuigley

New @EPA #CarbonEmission limits will protect public health & spur #CleanEnergy innovation. Learn more: #ActOnClimate

Rep. Alan Lowenthal þ@RepLowenthal

With Congress unable to face climate reality, @WhiteHouse proposes decisive action to combat climate change. #ActOnClimate

Blumenauer Media þ@BlumenauerMedia

Blumenauer: New EPA Regulations "Bold First Step" to Combating Climate Change

Rep. Doris Matsui þ@DorisMatsui

Power plants account for 40% of carbon pollution in US. For first time we're taking action to limit it #ActOnClimate

Rep. Zoe Lofgren þ@RepZoeLofgren

New EPA regs limitng CO2 emissions a good step-fusion research like #NIF also critical to reduce future fossil fuel dependence #ActOnClimate

Jim McDermott þ@RepJimMcDermott

I commend @BarackObama @EPA 4 plan to curb carbon emissions. USA is already feeling effects of climate change. We must #ActOnClimate @SEEC

Lois Capps þ@RepLoisCapps

These proposed @EPA rules will go a long way toward keeping our air clean, and protecting the health of seniors, children, and families.

Jan Schakowsky þ@janschakowsky

.@EPA put out a new rule today that's better for our environment, our health & our economy! Here's my statement on it

Kathleen Sebelius @Sebelius

it’s time to #ActOnClimate – the less carbon in the air we breathe protects the health of all Americans.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz @DWStweets

“As a parent, I refuse to condemn our children to a planet that’s beyond fixing” – President Obama #ActOnClimate

Other Tweets

Kara Brewer Boyd @MetrolinaNative

#ActOnClimate @JWBoydNBFA National Black Farmers Association supports and calls it a step in the right direction.

US Mission to the UN @USUN

President Obama’s plan to #ActOnClimate leads international efforts to address global climate change. Learn more ->

League of Conservation Voters @LCVoters

Fighting #ClimateChange & protecting public health go hand-in-hand. We support @BarackObama's call to #ActOnClimate!

Christopher N. Fox þ@ChristopherNFox

To protect America, our health, and children, now is the time to limit dangerous carbon pollution from electric power plants #ActOnClimate

Daniel J. Weiss þ@DanJWeiss

MT @Tiffany_Germain: @NYTimeskrugman: Climate action ‘remarkably cheap,’ new @EPA rules boost our econ #ActonClimate

NRDC Action Fund þ@NRDC_AF

"Fighting Climate Change is Good Policy and Good Politics" via our op-ed in @thehill #ActOnClimate

Jennifer Granholm þ@JenGranholm

Monday's #EPA carbon announcement = a whopping new jobs opp. for U.S.. My latest in @HuffPostPol: #ActOnClimate

APHA @PublicHealth

It's about health! @EPA plan avoids up to 6.6K deaths, 150K asthma attacks a yr: #ActonClimate

Amer Acad Pediatrics @AmerAcadPeds

New @EPA carbon standards are a needed step to help make our air safer and cleaner for children #CleanAir4Kids #ActonClimate @IGSD_DC · 6m

“Given the astronomical cost we pay in climate change, the most costly thing we can do is to do nothing.” @EPA @GinaEPA #CleanPowerPlan

Connie Hedegaard þ@CHedegaardEU

My statement on today's @EPA Clean Power Plan announcement: #climate @BarackObama

Fresh Energy þ@freshenergy

Today, @GinaEPA proposed a Clean Power Plan to #ActOnClimate & protect the health of our kids: #MNCleanEnergy

Eric Schneiderman þ@AGSchneiderman

.@EPA proposal would – for 1st time – limit #climatechange pollution from fossil-fueled power plants: via @nytimes

EDFEnergyEX þ@EDFEnergyEX

"Can we cut pollution while keeping energy affordable and reliable? We can and we will!" - @GinaEPA #111d

CFRA þ@cfra

Thank you @BarackObama for the bold action limiting carbon pollution to combat climate change.

American Lung Assoc. þ@LungAssociation

@WhiteHouse says carbon pollution limits will make our communities healthier: #CleanAir4Kids #ActonClimate

Al Gore þ@algore

Today's @EPA announcement is the most important step taken to combat the climate crisis in our country’s history.


NACCHO applauds @EPA action to address power plant carbon emissions and protect #publichealth #CleanAir4Kids

Nuclear Energy Inst. þ@NEI Energy Inst. þ@NEI 13m

(1/2) NEI's Richard Myers: “For any strategy for reducing GHG emissions, one thing is abundantly clear for every state in the nation..."

(2/2) "...with nuclear it is feasible to meet the administration’s goals, and without it there is no chance at all." @EPA #ActOnClimate

Edward James Olmos @edwardjolmos ·

We need 2 #ActOnClimate now! We must conserve r planet's resources/give r kids a healthier environment! @EPA #kidshealthmatters

Guardian Environment þ@guardianeco

#US #carbon cuts. @CHedegaardEU: Shows US taking climate change seriously. But to stay below 2C, all countries must do even more


Congressman Matt Cartwright shared a link:

Today, EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy is laying the groundwork for the biggest reduction in carbon pollution ever proposed. Check it out at 10:30 AM: #ActOnClimate

US Environmental Protection Agency

Understanding Climate Change impacts in the New England region is one thing, and actually working to improve vision, capability and capacity to confront climate change and make our communities more...

Congressman Gerry Connolly

Today's Clean Power Plan will improve public health, create jobs, spur innovation & show the world the US is ready to lead on climate change

Barbara Lee

Glad to see President Obama taking strong action today to cut carbon pollution at power plants. We have a moral obligation to address climate change and safeguard our planet for future generations. This important step will protect our environment, our health, and our economy. ‪#ýActOnClimate

Paul D. Tonko

With today’s announcement, we are taking an important step in fulfilling our promise of a healthier and brighter tomorrow for our children. We already have limits on toxins like lead, mercury, and arsenic. Carbon pollution should be no different and as of today it no longer is.

Statement on Carbon Pollution Standard for Existing Sources | Sustainable Energy and Environment...

Washington, D.C.—Today, the Environmental...

Congresswoman Doris O. Matsui

Today, EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy outlined the most significant step ever taken by the US to curb carbon pollution and combat climate change. It's time to ‪#ýActOnClimate!

Keith Ellison

As a father of four, I am always thinking about the kind of world I want to leave to my kids. President Obama and the Environmental Protection Agency outlined today the most significant step the United States has ever taken to curb carbon emissions and fight back against climate change. We have an obligation to future generations, and to the millions of Americans already feeling the affects of pollution and global warming, to make changes now. Thank you, Mr. President.

Time for National Action to Reduce Carbon Pollution

Congressman John Sarbanes

In the face of reckless Congressional inaction, the EPA’s proposal to reduce carbon pollution over the next 16 years is the strongest action to date on climate change. Despite an overwhelming consensus in the scientific community that climate change is a real danger, Republicans in Congress continue to block legislation to address the threat. We must work constructively to find solutions that are rooted in science and protect our environment for the next generation. ‪#ýActOnClimate

Mike Quigley

ACT ON CLIMATE: As an environmentalist and a member of Congress, fighting climate change can feel like an uphill battle. Thankfully, new carbon emission standards announced today will protect our public health and spur smart investments in clean energy that will create jobs and economic growth. Perhaps most important, they help fulfill a promise we make to our young people to leave them with a world that is better than we found it, rich in natural resources and that will last for generations to come. Learn more at

Congressman Jim McGovern

Today, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency released the Clean Power Plan proposal, which for the first time cuts carbon pollution from existing power plants, the single largest source of carbon pollution in the United States.

I am proud that Massachusetts has been a national leader in implementing policies that reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) while spurring economic development and am happy to see the nation follow its lead.

06/02/2014: EPA Proposes First Guidelines to Cut Carbon Pollution from Existing Power...

Chris Van Hollen

From NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration -- visualizing the urgent need to ‪#ýActOnClimate change.

Congressman Jim Moran

The EPA’s proposal today is a game changing decision that reflects President Obama’s commitment to act on climate change. This is a problem that won’t go away unless we take decisive action to reduce the carbon emissions that are driving climate change. But this isn’t just about the threat it poses in the future. This is a present day threat to our national security, our economy, our health and well-being. Climate change is already affecting communities across the country...

Moran Applauds EPA Proposal to Cut Carbon | Congressman Jim Moran

Washington D.C. -- Representative Jim Moran, Northern Virginia Democrat, Ranking Member on the House Appropriations Interior...

Today’s announcement by the EPA is a historic step forward in our effort to combat climate change and protect the health of our communities. These proposed rules will go a long way toward reducing greenhouse gas emissions, keeping our air clean, and protecting the health of seniors, children, and families.


Natural Resources Defense Council | Rebecca Stanfield

“On May 16, a coalition of companies including Starbucks, the Gap, Levis, Jones Lange LaSalle, Ikea and Nike wrote to Illinois Governor Pat Quinn urging him to, “seize the economic opportunity embedded in addressing climate change.” They explained that “the health of our economy depends on our ability to capitalize on the opportunities in front of us. These companies are part of a growing chorus of business leaders who know that America is at its best when it faces challenges head-on, that ignoring climate change is costing us billions every year that we can’t afford, and that putting people to work on solutions is both the right thing to do for future generations, and the best way to grow our economy.” [Blog, 5/29/14]

Union of Concerned Scientists | Rachel Cleetus, Senior Climate Economist

“The EPA’s guidelines could also provide states the option to meet the standard through multi-state or regional cooperation, such as the Northeast states’ Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) program. This would create increased opportunities to find the lowest cost compliance options across the entire region, including renewable energy. As UCS president and former chair of RGGI Ken Kimmell has pointed out in a prior blog post, the nine RGGI states have already reduced power plant emissions by approximately 40 percent since 2005 and are poised to reach a 50 percent reduction by 2020.” [Blog, 5/28/14]

Earthjustice | Trip Van Noppen, President

“Emissions from the nation's aging fleet of coal-fired power plants are the largest source of America's carbon pollution. Although the U.S. Supreme Court affirmed that existing law requires it, there are currently no federal limits on how much carbon pollution these old, dirty plants can spew into the atmosphere.” [Blog, 5/28/14]

Environmental Defense Fund | Megan Ceronsky, Director of Regulatory Policy & Senior Attorney

“States have extensive experience in implementing emission guidelines and other system-wide approaches under the Clean Air Act, and are well positioned for developing and implementing plans to address carbon pollution from existing power plants under Section 111(d).” [Blog, 5/20/14]


