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Media Advisory: EPA to Host Public Meeting on National Hydraulic Fracturing Study in Denver on July 13

Release Date: 07/09/2010
Contact Information: Richard Mylott, 303-312-6654

(Denver, Colo. – July 9, 2010) On Tuesday, July 13, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will host a public listening session on the Agency’s proposed study on hydraulic fracturing and its potential impacts on drinking water. The meeting will provide information about the proposed study scope and design. EPA will solicit public comments on the draft study plan.

Members of the public are requested to pre-register at least 24 hours before the meeting at or by calling 1-866-477-3635 toll-free.

Credentialed media are requested to pre-register at least 24 hours before the meeting by emailing Richard Mylott at [email protected]. Please indicate “Hydraulic Fracturing R.S.V.P.” in the subject line.

WHAT: EPA Public Listening Session on Hydraulic Fracturing Study

WHEN: Tuesday, July 13, 2010
6:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.

WHERE: Denver Marriott Tech Center
4900 South Syracuse Street
Denver, Colo.

Hydraulic fracturing is a well stimulation process used to maximize the extraction of underground resources – oil, natural gas and geothermal energy. By pumping fracturing fluids (water and chemical additives) and sand or other similar materials into rock formations, fractures are created that allow natural gas or oil to flow from the rock through the fractures to a production well for extraction.

Natural gas plays a key role in our nation’s clean energy future and hydraulic fracturing is one way of accessing this vital resource. However, serious concerns have been raised about the potential impact of hydraulic fracturing on drinking water, human health and the environment. To address these concerns, EPA announced in March that it will study the potential adverse impact that hydraulic fracturing may have on drinking water.

To support the initial planning phase and guide the development of the study plan, the agency sought suggestions and comments from the EPA Science Advisory Board -- an independent, external federal advisory committee. The agency will use this advice and extensive stakeholder input to guide the design of the study.

The Denver meeting is the second of four public meetings EPA will hold on the study. Additional meetings will be held in Pennsylvania, New York and Texas.

More information on the study and the meetings is at: