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New EPA Representative Arrives in Pocatello

Release Date: 2/10/2002
Contact Information: Mark MacIntyre
[email protected]
(206) 553-7302

February 10, 2002

To better serve the residents of Southeast Idaho, the U.S. EPA has hired Susan Skinner, formerly with the U.S. Bureau of Land Management's office in Reno, Nevada, to fill EPA's latest "place-based" position in Pocatello. Sue's(her preference) arrival actually marks her return to the area, as she is an Idaho native and received an undergraduate degree in geology from Idaho State University.

According to Jim Werntz, EPA's Boise office director, Sue's role will continue to be defined over the coming weeks, but will include work on issues ranging from stormwater to mining to the cleanup at FMC/Astaris.

"We feel very lucky to have Sue as part of our Idaho team, " said Werntz. "She brings a remarkable set of skills to the job and has a great track record as a problem solver and coalition builder."

EPA officials believe that having Sue based in Pocatello will allow her to keep in close contact with the community, including many environmental stakeholders like the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes, Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (IDEQ), local officials, advisory panels, and citizen interest groups. Sue is looking forward to learning more about the environmental challenges facing the area, and building partnerships to help solve them.

Sue has spent the past twenty-four years working for the U.S. Bureau of Land Management, including most recently over nine years in Reno, Nevada, on hazardous waste issues primarily related to mining sites and landfills. Sue brings senior policy expertise and "hands-on" experience on a wide variety of technical areas. Her office is co-located with IDEQ at 224 S. Arthur (just north and across from the Idaho State Journal building). Although she will soon have her own phone number, she can currently be reached by calling IDEQ at 208-236-6160, or by e-mail at [email protected].
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