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EPA settles with Third Wave Technologies on hazardous waste violations

Release Date: 01/14/2010
Contact Information: Karen Thompson, 312-353-8547, [email protected]

No. 10 - OPA003

(CHICAGO - Jan. 14, 2010) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 5 has signed a consent agreement and final order with Hologic Inc.for alleged hazardous waste violations at its Third Wave Technologies facility in Madison, Wis. The fabricator of molecular diagnostics through a synthesis process will pay an $87,400 penalty.

During a February 2007 inspection, EPA found multiple violations of the federal Resource Conservation and Recovery Act at the Third Wave facility located at 502 S. Rosa Road. Specifically, EPA found that the company failed to obtain a hazardous waste storage license, train personnel and keep training records, maintain records, conduct and document daily inspection requirements for its hazardous waste tank system, and make service arrangements with state and local authorities.

EPA regulates hazardous waste from its production to final disposal under RCRA.

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