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EPA Selects Tulsa Facility For Participation in National Environmental Performance Track, Recognizes Top Environmental Performers

Release Date: 9/3/2003
Contact Information: For more information contact the Office of External Affairs at (214) 665-2200.

      Aug. 22, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) accepted 25 new members into the National Environmental Performance Track program, including the John Zinc Company LLC, at 11920 East Apache in Tulsa, Okla.

      "Through Performance Track, EPA recognizes and rewards businesses and public facilities that demonstrate strong environmental performance beyond current requirements," EPA Regional Administrator Richard E. Greene said.  "While building a collaborative relationship with EPA, Performance Track participants realize environmental results beyond what could be achieved through regulation and enforcement alone.  Their efforts will be of significant help as we work towards our ultimate goal: cleaner air, purer water and better protected land."

      The National Environmental Performance Track was designed by EPA to recognize and encourage top environmental performers -- those companies and communities that voluntarily go beyond compliance with regulatory requirements to attain levels of environmental performance that benefit the environment, people and communities.

      Building on previous innovation programs with states, businesses, and community and environmental groups, Performance Track emphasizes continuous environmental improvement, effective state/EPA relationships, and the need to inform and involve citizens and communities.

      The newest Performance Track members have made environmental commitments to reduce water consumption, reduce emissions of particulate matter, increase recycling and reduce total solid waste.  Members agree to meet these commitments within the next three years.  

      As a member of the Performance Track program, John Zinc has specifically committed to reduce hazardous waste production from 6,229 pounds per year to 5,983 pounds per year by improving its manufacturing process.  John Zinc will reduce annual solid waste production from about 1.9 million pounds to 1.3 million pounds by modifying how its vendor supplies steel and by recycling cardboard, paper and wood pallets.  

      The company will reduce its yearly water use from more than 75 million gallons to less than 74 million gallons by modifying a number of its processes.  For example, it will recycle non-contact cooling water and install a cooling tower to increase system capacity.   John Zinc will also reduce volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions from 6.8 tons per year to 5.8 tons per year with process improvements such as using only low-VOC paints.

      Since its inception in June 2000, Performance Track has recognized 325 members for their achievements and their commitment to continuously improving their environmental performance.  Performance Track's member facilities represent both small businesses and large companies from the chemical, electronic, automotive, dry cleaning and pharmaceutical industries, among others.  

      More information about Performance Track is available on EPA's web site,
