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Northland Fisheries, Inc., Faces Clean Water Act Penalty
Release Date: 7/1/1997
Contact Information: Florence Carroll
[email protected]
(206) 553-1760 or 1-800-424-4372
Public Notice Number: 97-av-0111
Comment Period Open Until: July 30, 1997
Action: Proposed Penalty Assessment under Clean Water Act
Pursuant to Section 309(g)(4) of the Clean Water Act, EPA is providing public notice of the proposed penalty action described below. In order to provide opportunity for public comment, EPA will not take final action in this proceeding prior to 30 days after issuance of this notice.
The Environmental Protection Agency, Region 10, has commenced an administrative penalty action ("Complaint") against
Northland Fisheries, Inc.("Respondent") for violations of the Clean Water Act. The Complaint alleges that Respondent violated Section 308 of the Act by failing to submit reports required by a Request for Information that was issued November 1, 1996. The Seafood General Permit for Seafood Processors operating within three nautical miles of the Pribilof Islands, Alaska, required effluent sampling of all authorized dischargers. The Request for Information specified the protocols, procedures, and methods for sampling and laboratory analysis. The results of the sampling and laboratory analytical data was due to EPA by May 1, 1997. However, as of the date of the Complaint, EPA has not received the effluent sampling data and laboratory data. The Request for Information also required the submittal of a Sampling and Analysis Plan for sediment sampling and benthic community survey be submitted by April 1, 1997. The sediment and benthic monitoring is to be done during the summer of 1997.
EPA is proposing the assessment of a penalty in the amount of $30,000.
Persons wishing to comment on EPA's proposed action or to become participants in this action may do so by submitting their address and telephone number, along with written comments, to the Regional Hearing Clerk at the address above within 30 days of the date of this notice. This is a Class II administrative proceeding, governed by Section 309(g)(2)(a) of the Act, and the consolidates rules of practice governing the administrative assessment of civil penalties and revocation or suspension of permits set forth in 40 C.F.R. Part 22.
Name and address of respondent:
Northland Fisheries, Inc.
Fisherman's Terminal
1900 West Nickerson, #207
Seattle, Washington 98119
Business/activity of respondent: Seafood Processing
Name of Case: Northland Fisheries, Inc.
Docket Number: 10-97-0117-CWA/G
Date Complaint filed: June 26, 1997
Name, mailing address, and telephone number of Regional Hearing Clerk:
Mary Shillcutt (206) 553-2429
U.S. EPA Region 10
1200 Sixth Avenue (ORC-158)
Regional Hearing Clerk
Seattle, WA 98101
The administrative records upon which Region 10 relied in developing this action is available for review and copying between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, at the regional office (see address listed above). It
may also be reviewed at the following location:
U.S. EPA Anchorage Office
Federal Building, Room 537
222 West Avenue Box 19
Anchorage, Alaska 99518
(907) 271-5038

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