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Media Advisory: EPA Will Present President’s Environmental Youth Award to Mother McAuley High School Students

Release Date: 04/12/2011
Contact Information: EPA -- Phillippa Cannon, 312-353-6218, [email protected] Mother McAuley High School – Sue Barnett, 773-881-6558

For Immediate Release
No. 11-OPA032

CHICAGO (April 12, 2011) — The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency will present the regional President’s Environmental Youth Award to Mother McAuley High School students at 8:50 a.m., Wednesday, April 13, at a ceremony in the school auditorium, 3737 W. 99th St., Chicago. Media are invited to send a reporter and/or photographer to the presentation.

The students will be recognized for building a solar-powered biodiesel processor and donating it to a community in Haiti.