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EPA "Enforcement Alert" Focuses on Asbestos in Schools

Release Date: 09/01/2004
Contact Information:

Contact: Rich Hood 202- 564-4355 / [email protected]

(09/01/04) EPA's Office of Regulatory Enforcement has dedicated the September 2004 issue of "Enforcement Alert" to the protection of children from exposure to asbestos at school. When asbestos-containing material is disturbed, fibers may be released into the air and inhaled by children and school staff. A popular misconception is that asbestos-containing materials were banned and removed from school buildings years ago. Although some schools have been able to remove asbestos altogether, many have opted to manage asbestos-containing material in place. This "Enforcement Alert" reminds schools and local education agencies to inspect their facilities for asbestos-containing building materials and prepare management plans for the reduction of asbestos hazards. To read the September "Alert," go to: . To get more information on asbestos in schools, go to: .