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Northwest Students receive EPA Science Fellowships

Release Date: 08/23/2006
Contact Information: Estella Waldman, (202) 343-9803, [email protected] Tony Brown, (206) 553-1203, [email protected]

(Seattle, WA – Aug. 23, 2006) Four students from the Pacific Northwest recently received a Science to Achieve Results (STAR) fellowship from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). These students were among the 112 students chosen from more than 1,300 applicants across the country who competed for these prestigious fellowships that enable them to complete their graduate degrees.

The STAR program provides up to $37,000 per year of support masters and doctoral students. Masters level students may receive support for a maximum of two years and doctoral students may be supported for a maximum of three to four years depending on available funds.

Below are this year’s fellowship recipients, the university they are attending and their graduate program titles:

  • Ms. Melanie Murphy, Washington State University: Limits to species’ distribution and persistence: A landscape genetics study of two amphibian species in Yellowstone National Park.
  • Mr. Michael Parker, Oregon State University: The effects of environmental estrogens on the reproductive biology of a model species.
  • Mr. Jacob Tennessen, Oregon State University: Do markers linked to disease resistance reflect adaptive genetic diversity in a salmonid fish?
  • Mr. Joseph Tyburczy, Oregon State University: The influence of nearshore circulation an dlarval behavior on larval distribution, transport and settlement.

EPA’s STAR graduate fellowship program supports some of the nation’s most promising masters and doctoral candidates in environmental studies. Each year, students in the U.S. compete for STAR fellowships through a rigorous merit review process to ensure that some of the best students in the country are chosen for these programs. Students can pursue degrees in traditionally recognized environmental disciplines as well as other fields such as urban and regional planning and decision sciences. Since the program began in 1995, EPA has awarded hundreds of STAR fellowships to students in almost every state. The fellowship has helped produce new academic researchers, government scientists, science teachers, and environmental engineers.

EPA also provides fellowships through the Greater Research Opportunities (GRO) fellowship program. The GRO program helps build capacity in universities with limited funding for research and development by awarding fellowships to students in environmental fields. Eligible students receive support for their junior and senior years of undergraduate study and for an internship at an EPA facility during the summer between their junior and senior years. The Fellowship provides up to $17,000 per year of academic support and up to $7,500 of internship support for the three-month summer period.

One Pacific Northwest student was selected to receive a GRO fellowship this year:

Evan Bredeweg, of Forest Grove, Oregon was recently awarded the Greater Research Opportunities (GRO) fellowship. Bredeweg was one of 30 students chosen from more than 200 applicants across the country who competed for these prestigious fellowships. Bredeweg is presently attending Pacific University, where he is pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Environmental Toxicology.

EPA will soon be accepting applications from students for the 2007 STAR fellowship program. Applicants must be U.S. citizens or be lawfully admitted to the United States for permanent residence. The EPA will also be accepting applications for the 2007 Greater Research Opportunities (GRO) undergraduate and graduate fellowship program. Application information can be found on the Internet at:


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