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New EPA Web Site Features Weather Hazard PSAs for Radio

Release Date: 07/05/2007
Contact Information: Dale Kemery, (202) 564-4355 / [email protected]

(7/5/07) The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency pays special attention to protecting human health and the environment after major storms cause high water, wind and other natural effects.

These events can occur anywhere, whether along the nation's coasts or far inland. With the advent of the summer storm season, though, it is especially important to alert people to specific actions they can take to protect themselves. If a radio listening area is affected, the audience will need accurate information about what to do in the aftermath.

EPA has prepared a series of public service announcements to inform people about safety measures and cleanup activities in and around their homes. Topics include:

  • Hazardous waste
  • Sediment
  • Asbestos contamination
  • Lead-based paint
  • Dealing with mold
  • Flooded septic systems
  • Household cleaners and disinfectants
  • Contaminated wells

The PSA's are available in English, Spanish and Vietnamese on the EPA Web site: They are available as pre-recorded MP3 files, which can be downloaded. If a radio station prefers to have its announce staff voice them, scripts accompany each spot.