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Bellingham, Washington and Oregon State University are 2008 Green Power Leadership Award Winners

Release Date: 10/27/2008
Contact Information: James Critchfield, EPA’s Green Power Partnership, (202) 343-9442, [email protected] Tony Brown, EPA Public Affairs, (206) 553-1203, [email protected]

(Seattle, Washington – October 27, 2008) Today, two leaders in the Northwest are recognized for their investment in renewable resources.

The Bellingham, Washington coastal community received EPA’s Green Power Partner of the Year Award for their continual effort to display national leadership in the purchase and support of green power. The community’s purchase resulted in EPA recognizing the Community of Bellingham as the first EPA Green Power Community in Washington State. To date, the community is now buying more than 81 million kilowatt-hours of renewable energy certificates (RECs). This amounts to nearly 11 percent of the community’s total electricity use. More than 2,400 households and businesses have enrolled to buy green power through the challenge.

Oregon State University was awarded EPA’s Purchaser Award for purchasing nearly 67 million kilowatt-hours of renewable RECs that is equal to nearly 75 percent of the total campus electricity consumption. The University’s purchases places the school on EPA’s list of Top 10 College and University green power purchasers.


Primary Contact: Bellingham, Clare Fogelsong, (360) 778-7900, [email protected]

Primary Contact: Oregon State University, Brandon Trelstad, (541) 737-3307, [email protected]

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For additional information on Green Power Leadership Award Winners, please see EPA’s national news release at