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EPA Finalizes Greenhouse Gas Permit for $500M CCI Petroleum Facilities; Processing plant and export terminal will provide 35 full-time jobs and up to 300 construction jobs

Release Date: 09/15/2014
Contact Information: Jennah Durant or Joe Hubbard, [email protected] or 214 665-2200

DALLAS – (Sept. 15, 2014) The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has issued a final greenhouse gas (GHG) Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) construction permit to CCI Corpus Christi, LLC. The company plans to construct petroleum process facilities near Corpus Christi, TX.

“Climate change contributes to many types of challenges, especially for coastal areas like Corpus Christi,” said Regional Administrator Ron Curry. “Helping businesses minimize their greenhouse gas emissions will help protect these communities from dangers such as increased flooding and storms.”

The permit authorizes CCI to construct a 100,000-barrel-a-day condensate splitter plant and a bulk petroleum terminal. The bulk terminal will include storage tanks and barge loading operations that can handle 500,000 barrels a day of crude condensate for export. In addition to exporting product, the company also plans to use the crude condensate to produce diesel, jet fuel, naphtha, and other petroleum products.

In June 2010, EPA finalized national GHG regulations, which specify that beginning on Jan. 2, 2011, projects that increase GHG emissions substantially will require an air permit.

EPA believes states are best equipped to run GHG air permitting programs. Texas is working to replace the federal implementation plan with its own State program, which will eliminate the need for businesses to seek air permits from EPA. This action will increase efficiency and allow industry to continue to grow in Texas.

EPA has finalized 52 GHG permits in Texas, proposed an additional four permits, and currently has 12 additional GHG permits in development in Texas.

For all of the latest information on GHG permits in Texas please visit:

EPA is taking a variety of actions to cut Greenhouse Gas emissions and address the impacts of climate change. Most recently, EPA released a Clean Power Plan for existing power plants to cut carbon pollution by 30 percent below 2005 levels. Learn more about EPA’s actions at

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