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EPA Hosts Multinational Summit on Energy and Air Issues in Seattle

Release Date: 08/30/2006
Contact Information: Roxanne Smith, (202) 564-4355 / [email protected] Mark Macintyre, (206) 553-7302 / [email protected]

(Seattle, Washington – August 30, 2006) EPA and representatives of two partner governments in Asia hosted an event this week to highlight the “co-benefits” of reducing both greenhouse gases emissions and air pollution at the same time.

The “International Workshop on Climate Actions and Co-Benefit Opportunities”, jointly sponsored by EPA and government agencies in Japan and the Republic of Korea, brought together representatives from Chile, China, India, and Mexico- all of which are looking to better meet their increased energy needs, address air pollution and energy security, and lower their greenhouse gas intensities.

“This workshop has been solution-oriented, focusing on taking action on clean energy that will enhance environmental quality as well as economic growth,” said EPA Acting Assistant Administrator Bill Wehrum. “Bringing together decision makers from seven nations – on three continents – reinforced close partnerships, and allowed participants to share ideas about how to make sustainable development a reality.”

Seattle was selected as the workshop’s location because of the innovative and effective measures being taken to address climate change in the city and surrounding area. King County Executive Ron Sims shared details from King County's efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through its forward-looking policies in the areas of land use, transportation, environmental and economic development.

The lessons learned from the workshop are expected to inform the selection of measures for the Seoul Air Quality Management Plan, the development of China’s Total Emissions Control Policy, and energy efficiency improvements in Mexico. They will also be shared at the upcoming 16th Asia-Pacific Seminar, sponsored by the Japanese Ministry of Environment, in Jakarta, Indonesia, from September 5-8, 2006.

For more about EPA’s IES Program, see

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