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Region 7 Providing Hazardous Material Expertise for Iowa Floods

Release Date: 06/16/2008
Contact Information: David Bryan, 913-551-7433, [email protected]

Environmental News


(Kansas City, Kan., June 16, 2008) - EPA Region 7 has been tasked by FEMA to provide expertise in potential hazardous materials/oil/chemical incidents related to the Iowa floods beginning Saturday, June 14.

FEMA has funded EPA Region 7 with $10,000 to conduct initial hazardous material assessments. EPA may also provide expertise to the state about drinking water systems and waste water systems that may have been affected by the flooding.

EPA has fliers available at for agencies to provide to residents in flooded areas. These fliers have helpful information for citizens whose homes or businesses have been flooded. Subjects include: getting rid of mold, checking HVAC for mold, washing hands, food safety, household hazard waste, and returning home safely.

Additionally, the following audio files (.mp3 files) are available online:

As with any flooding situation, EPA recommends that residents avoid contact with flood water.

EPA's flooding Web page