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EPA and MA DEP Approve Final Cleanup Plan for Shpack Landfill Site in Norton
Release Date: 10/04/04
Contact Information:
Contact: Peyton Fleming, EPA Press Office (617-918-1008)
For Immediate Release: October 4, 2004 Release # 04-10-04
BOSTON – The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, with concurrence from the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), has made a final remedy decision for the Shpack Landfill site in Norton, MA. EPA announced the chosen plan in a document called the Record of Decision (ROD) on September 30.
The final ROD for the Superfund site calls for the excavation and disposal of about 35,000 cubic yards of waste that exceeds cleanup standards. The remedy, referred to as SC-3B, was selected after an extensive comment period during which the public and community leaders weighed in heavily in favor of excavating all waste exceeding the cleanup standards. Prior to issuing its final cleanup decision, EPA solicited public comment between June and August 2004 on a proposal to excavate 10,500 cubic yards of waste exceeding cleanup standards and to cap some of the material and leave it at the site.
EPA estimates the total cost of the selected cleanup plan to be about $43 million. The Record of Decision comprises two response actions: one managed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and one led by EPA. In accordance with special legislation passed in 2002, the Army Corps of Engineers will be conducting the cleanup of the radiological contamination at the Shpack site.
“EPA carefully evaluated the concerns raised during the public comment period and believes that this final cleanup decision takes those concerns into consideration,” said Robert W. Varney, regional administrator of EPA’s New England Office. “We look forward to working in close cooperation with the Potentially Responsible Party group, the Army Corps of Engineers, DEP, and the community to implement this cleanup decision as soon as possible.”
“The department provided its concurrence on this remedy decision because it will result in a cleanup that is protective of public health and the environment and is responsive to the concerns of the community members,” said Robert W. Golledge Jr., commissioner of the Department of Environmental Protection.
“We look forward to continuing to work with our partners, EPA, DEP and the local communities throughout the radiological contaminant cleanup at the site,” added the Corps’ New England District Engineer Col. Thomas Koning. “We anticipate starting work on the radiological portion of the cleanup by spring 2005 and completing it by summer 2006.”
The ROD includes the following major components:
- Excavation and off-site disposal of approximately 34,000 cubic yards of soil and 1,000 cubic yards of sediment from Chartley Swamp which exceed the radiological and chemical cleanup levels for the site.
- Following excavation, inpacted wetlands will be restored or replicated and clean fill will be used to backfill and bring open areas up to grade, as necessary.
- Extension of the public water supply line to two residences adjacent to the site that currently have private wells.
- Implementation of institutional controls to restrict future use of the property and groundwater.
- A traffic control plan will be designed to manage the increased volume of truck traffic associated with transporting contaminated material off-site. EPA will closely coordinate these activities with local, state and federal partners prior to beginning the cleanup.
Responses to comments received during the public comment period can be found in the Responsiveness Summary which is part of the Record of Decision. A Responsiveness Summary includes written responses to significant comments, criticisms, and / or new data submitted during the public comment period. A copy of the Record of Decision and other documents regarding the site is available for public review at the EPA Records Center in Boston, as well as on the EPA website at
Related Information:
Shpack Landfill Fact Sheet
Long-Term Cleanups

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