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Cleanup Continues at Former Chroming Facility in Bangor, ME

Release Date: 03/21/2005
Contact Information:

Contact: Sheryl Rosner, EPA Office of Public Affairs, (617) 918-1865, [email protected]

For Immediate Release: March 21, 2005; Release # sr050313

EPA’s $240,000 cleanup at the Cobb’s Custom Chroming facility on Perkins Street in Bangor Maine is underway. Since early last week, EPA contractors have been gathering and consolidating stored chemicals from the facility and preparing them for shipment off site for disposal at a permitted facility. As shown in the attached photo, a team of contractors are placing a corroded drum containing plating chemicals in a larger sized plastic shipping container before moving it out of the facility.

"The work is progressing as anticipated and we continue to work closely with the Maine Department of Environmental Protection, the City of Bangor and the owner of the facility,” said Randy Rice, EPA’s On-Scene Coordinator from the Superfund removal program who is responsible for managing the cleanup.

Air around the site is being monitored during the cleanup to confirm that contamination is not migrating off site. The work is expected to take less than two months to complete, weather permitting. Additional information on the project is available at

Related Information:
Cleanup Process
Superfund in New England
Cobb's Custom Chroming