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Comments Received for Nonroad Proposal

Release Date: 08/22/2003
Contact Information:

Cathy Milbourn 202-564-7824/[email protected]

(08/22/03) The public comment period ended Wednesday, Aug. 20, for EPA’s proposal for new emission standards for nonroad diesel engines used in construction, agricultural, and industrial operations. This proposal will reduce emission levels for particulate matter (PM) and nitrogen oxide (NOx) by more than 90 percent. The proposal also included 99 percent reduction in the sulfur content in fuel used by these engines. This will significantly improve the air quality and health for Americans nationwide. EPA held three public hearings on this proposal. During the comment period, EPA received over 150,000 comments and overwhelming support for the rule. EPA has begun the comment review process and expects to publish a final rule by April 2004.