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EPA Awards Environmental Justice Grants for Areas Affected by the BP Oil Spill - Grant projects to help protect people’s health and support ecosystem restoration in the Gulf of Mexico

Release Date: 04/20/2011
Contact Information: Jalia Isa (News Media Only) at 202-564-3226, 202-564-4355 or [email protected]

(WASHINGTON - April 20, 2011) The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) today announced it has awarded grants to non-profit, community-based organizations located in the Gulf region to educate residents about health and environmental issues following the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico and to work to address those issues. The grants, totaling nearly $300,000, support projects ranging from helping Gulf Coast residents make informed decisions about seafood safety to supporting ecosystem restoration.

“These grants are one more step in EPA’s ongoing efforts to transition from response to long-term recovery in the Gulf,” said EPA Administrator Lisa P. Jackson. “We’re giving residents the tools they need to make informed decisions about the environment around them. From President Obama down to the local EPA staff who are on the scene every day, there is a broad commitment to the Gulf that I am proud to be a part of.”

Organizations receiving grant funding are the Alabama Coastal Foundation, Mobile, Ala.; Bayou Land Resource Conservation & Development Council, Metairie, La.; Citizens Against Toxic Exposure, Pensacola, Fla.; Deep South Center for Environmental Justice, New Orleans, La.; Faith Answers, Clinton, Miss.; Japanese American Citizens League, Biloxi, Miss.; Louisiana Bucket Brigade, New Orleans, La.; Mary Queen of Vietnam Community Development Corporation, New Orleans, La.; Teaching Responsible Earth Education, New Orleans, La.

EPA developed the grant program after meeting with local organizations in the Gulf Coast region and learning of the need for supporting health and environmental education and outreach to communities affected by the oil spill. The grants are also designed to assist local communities facing environmental justice challenges address and adapt to the oil spill’s long-term effects.

More information on the grant projects:

More information on the Environmental Justice Small Grant program:

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