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Leak Surveys, Inc. recognized with Clean Air Excellence Award

Release Date: 05/09/2007
Contact Information: Dave Bary or Tressa Tillman at 214-665-2200 or [email protected]

(Dallas, Texas – May 9, 2007) The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Air Excellence Awards program recognizes and honors outstanding, innovative efforts in achieving cleaner air. The awards are presented in five categories: clean air technology, community action, education/outreach, regulatory/policy innovations and transportation efficiency innovations - with two additional awards for visionary programs and individual achievement.

This year’s award for clean air technology is presented to:

Leak Surveys, Inc., Early, Texas
The “HAWK” Leak Detection System
Leak Surveys Inc. (LSI) has contributed to new procedures of leak detection in the field of petroleum processing and improvements in standard leak detection and repair (LDAR). The Hawk Leak Detection System, through the use of a passive infrared camera, has revolutionized the potential for volatile organic compound emission recognition by broadening the scope of detection through the merging of thermal/infrared imaging. The technician scans for emissions while watching a digital video screen to verify a leaking component with their own eyes. From emission compliance to safety concerns to equipment damage, the Hawk has the potential to save companies from lost revenue, damage, and fines while reducing the potential of unacceptable levels of human exposure to toxic substances, fires, explosions, and other serious problems. LSI continues to increase the awareness of the industry, to expand its research and development of optical imaging, and to further refine the technology.

The awards program was established in 2000 at the recommendation of the Clean Air Act Advisory Committee (CAAAC), a senior-level policy committee that advises EPA on implementing the Clean Air Act. For more information on this year’s awards ceremony, visit:
