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Television Documentary Focuses on Sprawl Solutions in Northern New England

Release Date: 01/23/2003
Contact Information: Melissa Paly, Cross Current Productions (603-433-4383) Peyton Fleming, EPA Press Office, 617-918-1008

BOSTON - Development is dramatically changing northern New England's landscape, affecting where we live and how we live. "Liveable Landscapes: By Chance or By Choice," is an hour-long documentary that will be broadcast on New Hampshire Public Television, Maine PBS and Vermont Public Television on Wednesday January 29 at 8 pm.

The program, funded in part by EPA's New England Office, explores how citizens in Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont are facing the challenges that growth poses to their communities and to the landscapes that define them. In addition to being a documentary, Liveable Landscapes is intended as a tool for catalyzing conversation about growth and community change. As a special follow-up to the program, viewing events are being organized across the region to bring community members together to discuss local concerns about growth and change.

The program will focus specifically on five communities struggling with choices about transformations that are underway:

    • Stratham, NH
    • Burlington, VT
    • Littleton, NH
    • Shoreham, VT
    • Scarborough, Maine
For information about screening events, or organizations working on smart growth, contact:
    • In New Hampshire, Sarah Thorne, Society for the Protection of NH Forests, 603-224-9945, [email protected]
    • In Vermont, Beth Humstone, Vermont Forum on Sprawl, 802-864-6310, [email protected]
    • In Maine, Beth Dellavalle, Maine Office of State Planning, 207-287-2851, [email protected]