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EPA Awards Over $1.6 Million to the State of Oklahoma to Support Environmental Programs

Release Date: 07/27/2012
Contact Information: Dave Bary or Jennah Durant at 214 665-2200 or [email protected].

(DALLAS – July 27, 2012) The Environmental Protection Agency has awarded $1,603,137 to the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality to assist with environmental permitting, enforcement and facility inspections. This Performance Partnership Grant will also be used to perform outreach and education, accreditation of training providers and certification of firms and individuals performing lead-based paint abatement activities.

The EPA and states share responsibility for protecting human health and the environment. This unique relationship is the cornerstone of the nation's environmental protection system. Working together, we have made enormous progress in protecting our air, water and land resources. Under traditional environmental program grants, states receive funds to implement the various water, air, waste, pesticides and toxic substances programs.

Additional Information on EPA grants is available at

More about activities in EPA Region 6 is available at

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