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Community Groups Can Apply For Environmental Justice Intern
Release Date: 02/12/2001
Contact Information: Amy Miller, EPA Press Office (617-918-1042)
BOSTON – The New England Office of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is accepting applications from non-profit groups who would like to host summer interns to work on environmental justice projects. This internship program is sponsored by the Office of Environmental Justice at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
In the summer of 2001, EPA's environmental justice office will fund 30 summer internships in 30 community organizations nationwide to work on issues of environmental justice. Any organization interested in participating in this 12-week program should identify a project and submit a completed project description form by Feb. 28. The project description form can be found at the EPA - New England home page at under the "Other News" section.
Project descriptions should be sent to:
- Jing Yang, Attn: Community Intern Program
ECO, 179 South Street, 5th Floor
Boston, MA 02111
Since 1992, EPA's Office of Environmental Justice has sponsored a Summer Intern Program through a cooperative agreement with the Environmental Careers Organization (ECO), a non-profit organization in Boston. More than 1,600 college and graduate students nationally have participated in the program.
Last year, 16 students placed in community organizations across the country experienced environmental protection at the grassroots level through this program. Each student receives a stipend of $400 a week, plus $500 for relocation, if needed.
Students must register with ECO to participate. Any student interested, who is enrolled in a college or university, may send a resume to Jing Yang at the same addresses.
A panel reviews all project descriptions and selects the 30 community organizations to receive an intern. An announcement of the 30 organizations will also be posted at More information is available from Renee Goins, Intern Program coordinator at 202-564-2598 or by email at [email protected], or by fax: 202-501-1106.
A list of participating organizations can be found at the web site

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