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EPA Publishes Updated List for Boutique Fuels

Release Date: 12/22/2006
Contact Information: John Millett, (202) 564-4355 / [email protected]

(Washington, D.C. -- Friday, Dec. 22, 2006) To comply with the Energy Policy Act of 2005, EPA has published a list of "boutique fuels". This list finalizes a draft list of boutique fuels put forth in June, and will serve as the basis for any future adoption of boutique fuels into State Implementation Plans.

A boutique fuel is a unique fuel blend developed by a state or local air pollution agency and approved by EPA as part of a State Implementation Plan to support meeting national air quality standards. The list limits the number and type of different fuels used around the country

The existence of too many fuel types in a given area may present challenges for production, distribution, and storage during periodic disruptions like refinery shutdowns and weather-related incidents. To address this issue, President Bush directed EPA Administrator Stephen Johnson to convene a Boutique Fuels Task Force. A report detailing the findings from this Boutique Fuels Task Force was published in late June.

Read the boutique fuel list:

More information on the Boutique Fuel Task Force: