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EPA signs Performance Partnership Agreement with Florida Department of Environmental Protection

Release Date: 10/01/2014
Contact Information: Danielle Jackson, (404)-562-9182 (Direct), (404) 562-8400 (Main), [email protected]

Atlanta- Today the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection have signed a 2015-2017 Performance Partnership Agreement (PPA).PPA’s and Performance Partnership grants(PPGs) are tools developed by EPA and the state in the 1990’s to increase funding flexibility and focus on environmental results to enhance the EPA-state partnership.

Florida’s agreement with EPA is a different approach for the region in priority setting as well as grant administration. The PPA agreement provides the opportunity for the region to work more closely and cooperatively with Florida in meeting mutually agreed upon goals to improve the environment for citizens in the state.

“The Environmental Protection Agency is thrilled to enter into this Performance Partnership Agreement with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection to further improve our co-regulatory partnership, “said Regional Administrator Heather McTeer Toney.“ EPA looks forward to the environmental results that will be accomplished through this agreement.”

In years to come the agreement will include a consolidated PPG work plan to further promote innovative approaches and simplify grant management while increasing agency and state accountability. The agreement includes a statement of EPA and state strategic goals and activities that will be the framework for program- specific commitments completed under the PPG during the three-year period and Florida will provide resources to manage work.

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