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Four New Flood-Related Public Service Announcements Produced

Release Date: 11/07/2005
Contact Information:

Contact: Eryn Witcher 202-564-4355/ [email protected]

(11/7/05) The Environmental Protection Agency has released four new 30-second public service announcements for residents in hurricane and flood-damaged areas. Radio stations and others will find the spot announcements useful in the continuing effort to help their audiences cope with cleanup following the storms.

The new PSAs include information about children, protective equipment, septic systems and lead-based paint. They have been recorded in the MP3 format and can be downloaded. The script for each one accompanies the link to the audio files. Each is available in both English and Spanish versions. There is no restriction on their use.

The spots are additions to the existing library of PSAs released earlier and which are still available. Those spots covered the following areas:

· mold
· cleaning up sediment
· carbon monoxide
· household cleaners
· gas leaks
· hazardous materials
· flood water and
· private wells and flood water

To access the files, go to .