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EPA Releases Underground Storage Tank Delivery-Prohibition Grant Guidelines and Tribal Strategy
Release Date: 08/09/2006
Contact Information: Roxanne Smith, (202) 564-4355 / [email protected]
(8/9/06) Yesterday, EPA issued two final documents that implement key provisions of the underground storage tank amendments of the Energy Policy Act of 2005: the delivery prohibition grant guidelines and a strategy for implementing the underground storage tank program in Indian country.
The delivery-prohibition grant guidelines describe the procedures that states must use for prohibiting fuel delivery to ineligible underground storage tanks. States receiving federal funds under Subtitle I of the Solid Waste Disposal Act must implement these guidelines by Aug. 8, 2007. To ensure these guidelines are implemented with minimal disruption, EPA is giving states considerable flexibility to establish their own delivery-prohibition programs. The guidelines also establish several important safeguards to ensure that states have a process for notifying fuel deliverers when an underground storage tank is not eligible to receive fuel. To ensure the delivery prohibition guidelines are effectively implemented, EPA will continue to work with states and the fuel delivery industry to share information on delivery-prohibition programs developed and used by states.
The tribal strategy identifies key issues and actions for strengthening EPA and tribal relationships, and improving implementation of the underground storage tank program in Indian country. It was developed with considerable input from tribal representatives, and is the foundation for future underground storage tank work and collaboration between EPA and tribes. EPA will work with tribes to implement the strategy and provide a progress report to Congress by Aug. 8, 2007.
EPA worked with states, tribes, and other partners to develop the delivery-prohibition grant guidelines and tribal strategy. The delivery-prohibition grant guidelines and tribal strategy:

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