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EPA Offers Earth Day 2006 Financial Help

Release Date: 01/30/2006
Contact Information: Denise Morrison, (913) 551-7402, [email protected]

Environmental News


January 30, 2006

Financial assistance to help communities celebrate Earth Day 2006 in Iowa, Kansas, Missouri and Nebraska is available from EPA Region 7. Earth Day 2006 is Saturday, April 22.

Region 7 is accepting proposals from local agencies, state agencies, environmental groups, and not-for-profit organizations. Proposals should range from $500 to $2,500 and can celebrate Earth Day throughout the year.

Instructions and criteria can be obtained by accessing the Region 7 Web site at:

Denise Morrison is the contact for Earth Day. Ms. Morrison can also be contacted toll-free at (800) 223-0425. Questions may also be addressed to Mrs. Morrison at [email protected].

Proposals are due by Monday, March 6. Earth Day financial assistance notification will be made by late March to recipients only. Recipients will be required to submit a final report at the completion of the project summarizing their Earth Day accomplishments.


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