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Tuscany Development and Brown Construction Settle Storm Water Permitting Violations in Ada County

Release Date: 6/1/2005
Contact Information: Chae Park
[email protected]
(206) 553-1441

June 1, 2005

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has resolved construction storm water permitting violations with Tuscany Development, Inc. and Brown Construction, Inc., over work at a construction site at the corner of Locust Grove Road and Victory Road in Ada County, Idaho.

EPA had alleged that both the developer and construction company violated the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (“NPDES”) storm water permit requirements by beginning construction at their site prior to obtaining necessary permits. As a result of this action, Tuscany Development agreed to pay an $8,000 penalty and Brown Construction a $4,000 penalty for this violation.

According to Kim Ogle, EPA’s water permits compliance manager, obtaining storm water permits prior to beginning a project is a must.

“We’re trying to protect Idaho’s water quality by preventing polluted construction site runoff from entering lakes, rivers, and streams,” said Ogle. “The permit process helps construction companies and developers understand the gravity of the problem and the requirements for preventing runoff from their sites. Starting a project without a permit risks real penalties.”

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