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EPA Settlement with Altadis U.S.A. Inc. Ensures Compliance with Toxic Chemical Reporting Safeguards at McAdoo, Pa., Tobacco Plant

Release Date: 10/07/2014
Contact Information: Donna Heron 215-814-5113 / [email protected]

PHILADELPHIA (October 7, 2014) -- An Environmental Protection Agency settlement with Altadis U.S.A., Inc., on toxic chemical reporting requirements, will help communities and first responders to prepare for chemical emergencies.

EPA cited the company for violating the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA), a federal law designed to inform the public and emergency responders about hazardous and toxic chemicals in their communities.

EPCRA requires facilities to submit to EPA and the state annual reports on regulated chemicals, and routine and accidental chemical releases. The law also requires facilities to report on their hazardous chemicals to state and local emergency response agencies so that emergency personnel will have the necessary information in the event of a spill or other accident.

According to EPA, Altadis did not submit annual reports for three toxic chemicals – nicotine, Benzo(g,h,i)perylene, and polycyclic aromatic compounds – for calendar year 2010, when the facility used, stored or processed these chemicals in reportable quantities. The violations were discovered in a July 2013 EPA inspection of the facility.

The company has agreed to pay a $54,500 penalty to settle the alleged violations.

The company did not admit liability for the alleged violations, however, the settlement penalty reflects the company's cooperation with EPA in resolving violations. Altadis has submitted the reports on these chemicals and certified compliance with applicable EPCRA requirements.