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Release Date: 6/14/2001
Contact Information: Wendy L. Chavez, U.S. EPA, 415/744-1588
25 Small Systems Failed to Comply With Reporting Laws
SAN FRANCISCO The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency recently issued warning letters to owners and operators of 25 community water systems for failing to distribute water quality reports to their customers, as part of the 1996 right-to-know law, a violation of the Safe Drinking Water Act.
The warning letters give the systems 30 days to distribute the report to their customers or the EPA may assess penalties up to $5,000.
"The Consumer Confidence Reports are an important tool for all to have information on the safety of their drinking water," said the EPA's Pacific Southwest Water Division Director Alexis Strauss. "Water systems have a responsibility to provide this important information to their customers."
Some people may be more vulnerable to contaminants in drinking water than the general population. Immuno-compromised persons such as persons with cancer undergoing chemotherapy, people with HIV/AIDS or other immune system disorders, some elderly, and infants can be particularly at risk from infections.
The first report, covering 1998, was due October 1999. The Arizona Department of Environmental Quality mailed notices reminding community water systems about the requirement in April and again in September 1999. In April 2000, the ADEQ sent warning notices to those water systems who had not complied.
In May 2000, the EPA issued 189 administrative orders to water systems that had still not distributed their 1998 reports to their customers. Twenty-five water systems did not comply with the order.
The 1996 right-to-know law requires water systems to give customers an annual report with the following information: information on significant sources of contamination; the likely source of each contaminant; health effects of any contamination; identification of any violations of drinking water regulations; potential health effects and steps taken to correct the violation; type and location of the water source; a table showing contamination detected at the water system; name and phone number of a contact person; and other information.
The following water systems face EPA fines for failing to distribute their water quality reports:
Water system Area Est. population
Arizona Windsong Water Co. Sanders serving 400
Leslie Canyon Water Users Douglas serving 60
Lacosta Water Users Assoc. Douglas serving 56
Sunrise Mobile Home Park Sierra Vista serving 22
Kachina Village MHP Kachina Village serving 240
Ash Creek Water Co. Central serving 105
Eagle View Village/Matori Farms Aguila serving 200
P.A.I. Domestic/Matori Farms Aguila serving 120
Oatman Water Co. Oatman serving 536
White Hills Water Co. Bullhead City serving 130
Joshua Hills Water Co. Dolan Springs serving 200
White Mt. Lakes Estates White Mountain Lake serving 950
Running Bear Mobile Resort Lakeside serving 150
Rillito Water Users Assoc. Rillito serving 213
Decker Community Water Tucson serving 29
Bidegain Water Co. Kearny serving 49
Kelvin-Simmons Co-op Kearny serving 33
Hong Kong Water Co. Superior serving 30
Maricopa Mt. Water Co.--East Maricopa serving 660
Maricopa Mt. Water Co.--NW Maricopa serving 225
Davis Ranch Landowners Marana serving 46
Hidden Valley Farmettes Maricopa serving 74
Hacienda Acres Water System Wittman serving 80
Buffalo Run Mobile Home Park Camp Verde serving 180
Beverly Gardens Prescott serving 150

View selected historical press releases from 1970 to 1998 in the EPA History website.