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EPA issues latest information on toxic chemical releases - Highlights for Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington

Release Date: 12/16/2010
Contact Information: Brook Madrone, EPA TRI Program Manager, (206) 553-4016, [email protected]; Tony Brown, EPA Public Affairs, (206) 553-1203, [email protected]

(Seattle – Dec. 16, 2010) Today EPA released the 2009 Toxics Release Inventory National Data Analysis. The 2009 data reports how TRI chemicals were managed, where they ended up, and how 2009 releases compare to 2008. Below are the highlights for EPA Region 10 (Alaska, Idaho, Oregon and Washington):

  • Nationally TRI releases decreased by 12 percent between 2008 and 2009.
  • TRI releases decreased in three of the four EPA Region 10 states
  • Idaho reduced releases by 31 percent or 22 million pounds
  • Washington reduced releases by 43 percent or 12 million pounds
  • Oregon reduced releases by 4 percent or 651,000 pounds
  • In Alaska releases were up by 23 percent or 128 million pounds from 2008. The increases were due primarily to Metal Mining Industry waste rock and surface impoundments and increased metals production and higher metals concentrations in waste rock.
  • Industries outside of Alaska with the largest releases were Primary Metals Manufacturing in Oregon; Federal Facilities and the Paper Industry in Idaho; and the Paper and Electric Utility industries in Washington.
The 2009 TRI National Data Analysis includes additional data, relevant on a local scale for each EPA Region. The additions include large aquatic ecosystems; metropolitan areas; and Indian Country and Alaska Native Villages. Region 10 has two of the nation’s 10 large aquatic ecosystems – the Columbia River Basin and Puget Sound-Georgia Strait. It also contains eight of the 21 areas in Indian country including Alaska Native Villages. The analysis also contains information on large urban communities including the Seattle metropolitan area including King, Pierce and Snohomish Counties.

For Region 10 facility and other release information, please check out the links below:

For state and regional facility data tables, maps, and graphs for Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington, visit:

Alaska TRI fact sheet

Idaho TRI fact sheet

Oregon TRI fact sheet

Washington TRI fact sheet

EPA national TRI news release

EPA’s National TRI website (with links to National Data Analysis and TRI tools):