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$660,000 to Research Grants Announced for Sustainable Development

Release Date: 10/22/2004
Contact Information:

Suzanne Ackerman 202-564-7819 / [email protected]

(Washington, D.C. - Oct. 22, 2004) EPA today awarded $660,000 to 66 student teams for the 2004-2005 academic year to research and develop sustainable designs through the People, Prosperity and the Planet (P3) competition. Sustainable development allows communities to grow economically while preserving natural resources for future generations. Students will design solutions that both benefit the environment and are not prohibitively expensive.

Many businesses are already recognizing that it is to their benefit to protect the ecosystems that supply the sources of their materials and markets. Additionally, the less hazardous waste produced, the less time and resources the company expends on clean-up. A number of computer and automobile manufacturers are using less toxic materials in manufacturing, creating products that use less energy and have longer life spans and planning for parts to be reused or recycled.

"As our planet's resources are limited, moving our society towards sustainable development is imperative," said Dr. Paul Gilman, Assistant Administrator for the Office of Research and Development. "I'm pleased to say that many companies are already doing this. The P3 awards give the next generation of scientists and engineers the opportunity to move the United States further toward sustainability through their innovation and creativity. Sustainable practices create jobs and make wise use of resources."

The P3 national student design competition was launched in January 2004. More than 40 partners in the federal government, industry and scientific and professional societies provide support. Projects focus areas include: green buildings and sustainable construction materials, biodiesel production and use, drinking water quality and supply, alternative energy sources and fuel cells, urban redevelopment and green chemistry. .

In May 2005, all teams will be invited to bring their designs to Washington, D.C., to compete for the P3 Award. The National Academy of Engineering will convene a panel of judges for the competition. Winners will be eligible for additional funding to implement their project in the field and move the design to the marketplace.

EPA is now accepting applications from student teams for the 2005 P3 competition. The deadline for receipt of applications is Jan. 27, 2005. A list of P3 national student design competition teams is available at: . More information about the awards and the 2005 competition can be found at: .