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United States and China Launch Clean Diesel Retrofit Program

Release Date: 11/18/2004
Contact Information:

Contact: John Millett 202-564-7842 / [email protected]

(Bejing, China – November 19, 2004) The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, China’s State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA), the Beijing Environmental Protection Bureau and other organizations have launched a project to retrofit a select fleet of existing buses and trucks in China with clean diesel technology. EPA is committing $250,000 and significant work hours to this demonstration project and other collaborative efforts to reduce emissions of particle pollution and other diesel emissions in China.

“We will share cleaner emissions control technologies and fuels with China as part of EPA’s commitment to a cleaner global environment,” said EPA Administrator Mike Leavitt. “It helps them and it helps us.”

Fine particulate matter and other emissions from older diesel-powered trucks and buses contribute to air pollution in Beijing and throughout China and pose serious public health concerns. Environmental impacts of diesel exhaust emissions include its contribution to ozone formation and acid rain. In Beijing alone, close to 1,000 vehicles are being added to the roads each day.

Because of the increasing number of vehicles, emissions and air pollution are dramatically increasing. By using cleaner fuel and the introduction of new technologies, which can be installed rapidly and inexpensively on existing vehicles, this retrofit demonstration project will reduce particulate emissions and other air pollutants in an existing diesel vehicle fleet by 40 percent or more.

As a member of the global Partnership for Clean Fuels and Vehicles, the United States is assisting developing countries to improve air quality emissions from diesel trucks and buses. The EPA is establishing similar partnerships with Chile, India, Thailand and Mexico.

More information about EPA’s Voluntary Diesel Retrofit Program is available online at: .