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Video Contest Winners Inspire Stewardship for the Nation’s Waters

Release Date: 06/30/2009
Contact Information: Enesta Jones, [email protected], 202-564-7873, 202-564-4355

WASHINGTON - The two winners of EPA’s first-ever water quality video contest made videos that will help educate the public about water pollution and give simple steps that people and communities can take to improve water quality.

“We are delighted by the number and quality of contest submissions,” said Acting Assistant Administrator for Water Michael H. Shapiro. “This is another illustration of how new Web technologies allow people to express their passion for water quality in new and exciting ways.”

In the 30 or 60 second category, “Protect Our Water - Check Cars for Oil Leaks” submitted by Lucas Ridley of Trenton, Ga. was the overall winner. His video illustrates one easy step you can take to protect your watershed through proper motor vehicle care.

In the 1-3 minute category, “Dastardly Deeds and the Water Pollution Monster” submitted by Nora Kelley Parren of Hinesburg, Vt. was the winner. Her animated video, made entirely out of discarded paper, illustrates how polluted runoff threatens ecosystems and offers tips people can take to protect water quality. The two winning filmmakers will each receive a $2,500 cash award, and their videos are featured on EPA’s Web site.

EPA received more than 250 video submissions that covered a wide variety of topics including low impact development, wetlands, marine debris, watershed management, water quality monitoring, polluted runoff, and other water-related topics. EPA received many other highly creative videos, and 22 videos were recognized as honorable mentions.

Thanks to the 1972 Clean Water Act, there have been great improvements to our nation’s waters over the past 37 years; however, there is more that we can do. Educating citizens about actions that they can take to reduce their impact is vital to improving the nation’s water quality.

To view the winning videos and honorable mentions: