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EPA Releases Draft Policy for Ensuring Scientific Integrity / Agency seeking public comment

Release Date: 08/05/2011
Contact Information: Latisha Petteway (News Media Only) [email protected] 202-564-3191 202-564-4355 Dale Kemery (News Media Only) [email protected] 202-564-7839 202-564-4355

WASHINGTON – The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency today is releasing its draft Scientific Integrity Policy for public comment. The draft policy reflects the Obama Administration’s commitment to the ethical standards and transparency necessary for ensuring the highest quality science.

The draft Scientific Integrity Policy was developed in response to a December 2010 memorandum from the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy. The memorandum charged federal agencies to develop policies in four areas: foundations of scientific integrity in government, public communications, use of federal advisory committees, and professional development of government scientists and engineers.

EPA’s draft Scientific Integrity Policy was developed by an ad hoc workgroup consisting of senior staff and scientists from the agency’s programs and regions. The draft policy addresses the promotion of scientific ethical standards, including quality standards; communications with the public; the use of advisory committees and peer review; and professional development, as well as the roles and responsibilities of a new Scientific Integrity Committee.

Public comments will be taken through September 6. :Public Comments on this draft policy should be sent to [email protected] by September 6, 2011.

EPA’s draft Scientific Integrity Policy is available at:
