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EPA Hosts 2013 International Decontamination Research and Development Conference

Release Date: 11/01/2013
Contact Information: Dawn Harris Young, (404) 562-8421 (Direct), (404) 562-8400 (Main), [email protected]

ATLANTA – The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency will hold its 2013 International Decontamination Research and Development Conference on November 5-7 in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina.

This year’s conference will focus on research around the decontamination of indoor and outdoor areas, and materials contaminated with biological, chemical, and radiological agents. Richard Danzig, Vice-Chair of the Board of Trustees of the RAND Corporation, a member of the Defense Policy Board and the President’s Intelligence Advisory Board, and a Director of the Center for a New American Security will give the keynote speech. Lek Kadeli, EPA’s Deputy Assistant Administrator, Office of Research and Development, will be discussing how EPA's research helps enhance community sustainability by preparing communities for the challenges ahead and strengthening their resiliency in the wake of future disasters.

WHO: Richard Danzig, Vice Chair of the Board of Trustees of the RAND Corporation, a member of the Defense Policy Board and the President’s Intelligence Advisory Board, and a Director for a New American Security

      Lek Kadeli, Principal Deputy Assistant Administrator for the U.S. EPA Office of Research and D evelopment

WHAT: 2013 U.S. EPA International Decontamination Research and Development Conference

WHEN: The conference will be held November 5-7, 2013.
      Remarks by Lek Kadeli, Tuesday, November 5, 2013 at 8:15 a.m.

      Keynote address by Richard Danzig, Tuesday, November 5, 2013 at 9:00 a.m.
          Media Tour of EPA’s Homeland Security Research facility, Tuesday, November 5, 2013 10:00 a.m. To attend, please RSVP to Lahne Mattas-Curry: [email protected]

WHERE: U.S. EPA Research Triangle Park
        109 T.W. Alexander Drive, Research Triangle Park, N C 27711

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