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Education Conference to Foster a ‘Green Generation’

Release Date: 03/09/2009
Contact Information: Bonnie Smith, 215-814-5543, [email protected]

WHEELING, W.Va (March 9, 2009) – Educators and other professionals working state-wide to increase environmental awareness and stewardship will gather in Wheeling March 27 and 28 for the third annual conference of the West Virginia Environmental Education Association. This year’s conference aims to foster the next generation of environmental leaders and is themed ‘Growing the Green Generation.’

“EPA is impressed with the Association’s progress in forming a statewide network of active environmental educators,” said William T. Wisneiwski, acting EPA mid-Atlantic regional administrator. “We encourage teachers, nature center directors, Scout leaders, and other supporters to participate in the conference as a way to connect and build momentum for environmental responsibility.”

EPA and the Oglebay Institute’s Schrader Environmental Education Center are key supporters of the conference, to be held at the Schrader Center, in Oglebay Park and Resort on Route 88 North in Wheeling. Keynote speakers include EPA’s Director of the Office of Children’s Health Protection and Environmental Education Ruth McCully, and Vince Meldrum with Earth Force, a non-profit that engages young people in improving the environment and their communities.

To register online or download a scholarship application for West Virginia K-12 teachers visit or contact the Schrader Environmental Education Center at (304) 242-6855. For more information about this conference contact Valerie Reed at [email protected]. For more information about Oglebay Resort and Conference Center visit