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Recycling Project at the National Cherry Blossom Festival

Release Date: 03/23/2006
Contact Information: Roxanne Smith, (202) 564-4355 / [email protected]

(Washington, D.C. - March 23, 2006) While many Americans already recycle at home and in their places of business, it is still rare to find recycling bins at public events and in public spaces. EPA's "Recycling Places in Public Spaces" campaign is working to encourage managers of public spaces to provide recycling opportunities and to encourage visitors to make use of those opportunities.

Susan Bodine, EPA's assistant administrator for Solid Waste and Emergency Response, will join representatives of the National Park Service and other partner organizations to speak about new and enhanced visitor services at the National Cherry Blossom Festival. Ms. Bodine will discuss EPA's partnership project with NPS to collect recyclables at this year's festival and EPA's ongoing national initiative to encourage Americans to recycle at public events. In addition, Ms. Bodine will be available after the news conference to show a model recycling station and answer questions about effective recycling methods.

What: News Conference

When: 10:30 a.m., Friday, March 24, 2006 (news conference occurs rain or shine)

Who: Susan Bodine, assistant administrator for Solid Waste and Emergency Response, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Vikki Keys, Superintendent, National Mall & Memorial Parks, NPS
Diana Mayhew, Exec. Director, National Cherry Blossom Festival, Inc.
John Reynolds or Marcia Lamb, National Park Foundation

Where: Adjacent to Cherry Blossom Festival Welcome Station on the southwest corner of the Washington Monument grounds (closest intersection is 17th Street and westbound Independence Ave., S.W.). Note: News media crew car and other vehicle parking in this area is very limited. The NPS will reserve a limited number of parking spaces in what is referred to as the "Paddle Boat" parking lot, accessed off southeast-bound Maine Ave., S.W. Entrance to the parking area is just before the Paddle Boat kiosk. An NPS ranger will be on-site to assist with media vehicle parking. Journalists parking here will then be directed to walk to and from the press conference site.