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Additional Sampling Results Released On NPL Sites In Louisiana

Release Date: 11/17/2005
Contact Information: For more information contact the Office of External Affairs at (214) 665-2200.
     From Sept. 30 through Oct. 14, 2005, a team of EPA contractors collected samples at National Priority List (NPL) sites in Louisiana to assess if Hurricanes Katrina and Rita had any impact on remedies completed at those sites. Sampling results at additional NPL sites in the impacted area will be posted as they become available.

    Soil samples were collected at Mallard Bay Landing in Grand Cherniere. Ground water samples were collected at Gulf Coast Vacuum in Abbeville; and surface water samples were collected at Gulf States Utilities in Lake Charles. Sample results indicate the remedies at all three sites were not affected.

    Specific test results are available at: Information about assessment of all NPL sites affected by the hurricanes is available at:
