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Expanded Efforts Planned to Protect Puget Sound-Georgia Basin Ecosystem in Washington State and British Columbia

Release Date: 1/20/2000
Contact Information: Lee Otis
[email protected]
(206) 553-1745

January 20, 2000 - - - - - - - - - - - - - HQ-R-10

The United States and Canada are expanding cooperative efforts to protect the Georgia Basin/Puget Sound ecosystem, which contains a wide range of internationally significant species and habitats. Both countries share a common airshed and watershed.

There are significant growth pressures, including an expanding population that is expected to increase by a half or more by 2020. A Statement of Cooperation, signed on Jan. 19 by EPA Administrator Carol M. Browner and Canada's Environment Minister, David Anderson, outlines common goals and objectives and acknowledges the benefits of the collaborative efforts to protect the ecosystem.

View the Statement of Cooperation - English Version , French Version