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EPA awards over $50,000 to the South Central Area Health Education Center to train community health workers

Release Date: 05/30/2007
Contact Information: Dave Bary or Tressa Tillman at 214-665-2200 or [email protected]

(Dallas, Texas – May 30, 2007) The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency recently awarded $52,527 to the South Central Area Health Education Center, in San Antonio, Texas. Using these funds, the Center plans to train community health workers on household indoor air exposures. The training will help workers to understand, evaluate and intervene when these exposures pose a potential risk to children or adults with asthma. This project will serve Bexar, Cameron, and Webb counties. The Center also expects to educate the South Texas residents on steps that can be taken to reduce exposures to environmental asthma triggers and environmental tobacco smoke.

Additional information on EPA grants:

Move about activities in EPA Region 6:
