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EPA cites Indianapolis landlord for lead-based paint violations; $45,210 penalty proposed

Release Date: 07/27/2006
Contact Information: William Omohundro, (312) 353-8254, [email protected]

No. 06-OPA131

CHICAGO (July 27, 2006) - U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 5 has filed an 18-count complaint against Karen Krach of Fishers, Ind., for allegedly failing to warn tenants or buyers of six homes or apartment buildings that their homes may contain lead-based paint hazards. A $45,210 penalty has been proposed.

Krach rents, owns and has sold residential buildings in Indianapolis at 132 N. Arsenal, 3741 N. Central Avenue, 609 N. Gladstone, 4004 N. Graceland, 4044 N. Guilford, 3907 Rookwood and possibly other locations.

"Childhood lead poisoning is entirely preventable," said Bharat Mathur, EPA Region 5 acting administrator. "The action we have taken is one step in our effort to protect children from exposure to lead-based paint in older homes. This is a high priority for EPA."

The federal Lead-Based Paint Disclosure Rule requires that landlords and sellers of housing constructed prior to 1978 provide tenants and buyers with general and property-specific lead-hazard information, and include a lease or contract clause to confirm that prospective tenants or buyers have received the lead warnings prior to signing the contract to lease or purchase.

Lead exposure can cause reduced IQ, learning disabilities, developmental delays, reduced height, poor hearing and a host of other health problems in young children.

Peeling lead paint is the most common source of lead exposure to children in the United States. About 75 percent of the nation's housing built before 1978 contains lead-based paint. When properly managed, lead-based paint poses little risk. If paint is not maintained, however, even low levels of lead exposure can threaten occupants' health, especially children and pregnant women. For more information about protecting your family from lead-based paint see http://

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