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Release Date: 4/21/2000
Contact Information: Dave Schmidt, U.S.EPA, (415) 744-1578, Laurie Brown, DOE, (206) 553-2158, Mary Filippini, GSA, (415) 522-3001
SAN FRANCISCO -- Regional administrators of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Department of Energy (DOE), and General Services Administration (GSA) awarded 27 federal offices and employees for clean energy innovations at federal facilities in EPA's Pacific Southwest Region, which stretches from Arizona to Guam. Their achievements include installation of solar power and solar heating equipment, use of electric vehicles, and energy efficiency upgrades at military bases, national parks, and federal agency buildings.
Federal facilities have tremendous potential to prevent pollution, save taxpayer dollars, and help commercialize clean energy technologies, since the federal government is the nation's largest energy consumer. Federal agencies own and operate more than half a million buildings, which use vast quantities of energy for heating, cooling, and lighting.
"This is a very promising start toward a clean energy future," said EPA regional administrator Felicia Marcus. "Applying clean energy technology at hundreds of thousands of federal buildings would greatly reduce air pollution and save taxpayers billions of dollars."
"These clean energy projects are the result of vision, planning, and a lot of hard work," noted DOE Seattle Regional Office Director Kathy M. Pierce. "DOE applauds the federal employees involved in making these great projects happen."
"GSA encourages federal employees to push the envelope when developing creative approaches to conserving energy and natural resources," said GSA regional administrator Kenn Kojima. "Through their efforts, we can lead the way in our communities to buy, build, save and drive green."
The winners included:
Three 225-kilowatt wind turbines and a 675-kilowatt wind/diesel hybrid energy system on San Clemente Island, Calif., for U. S. Navy installations. Contact: Utilities Department of the U. S. Navy Public Works Center, San Diego, Calif.
A plan to purchase "green" power and upgrade lighting and compressors to save energy at 1300 California post offices, purchase 500 electric vehicles, and install photovoltaic arrays at seven postal buildings in Southern California. Contact: Jesse Durazo, Environmental Program, U.S. Postal Service Pacific Area, South San Francisco, Calif.
Construction of a environmentally-friendly "green building" to house the National Weather Service's Forecast Office in Guam. The building features solar water heating, recycled building materials, energy-efficient lighting, heating, and air conditioning, and has plans for a
photovoltaic/fuel cell electricity generating system. Contact: Herman Chan, National Weather
Service, Guam.
Three photovoltaic systems with a total generating capacity of 116.6 kilowatts, including 21.6 kw for charging electric cars at Building 678, Naval Air Station, North Island (San Diego), Calif. Contact: Mike Magee, Navy Environmental Leadership Program.
A fleet of 300 electric carts and vehicles, including 18 solar-powered carts, and a planned solar-powered recharging station at Luke Air Force Base, Ariz. Contact: Trip Reduction Program, Civil Engineering Services, Luke AFB.
Installation of 156 solar water heaters and more efficient lighting at the U. S. Navy's Moanalua Terrace and Doris Miller Park residential housing developments in Hawaii. Contact: CDR Ava-Marie A. Howard, ACOS for Housing, Navy Region Hawaii, Honolulu.
An existing 4-kw photovoltaic generating system, 19 natural gas vehicles, a natural gas fueling station, electric scooters, energy-efficient lighting, use of recycled tile, a water-less urinal, and a planned 85-kw photovoltaic array at the Golden Gate National Recreation Area. Contact: Brian O'Neill, Superintendent, GGNRA, Building 201, Fort Mason, San Francisco, Calif.
A complete list of the 27 awardees, their offices, and their clean energy projects is below. Further information on EPA's and DOE's clean energy programs is available on the Internet at:, and Additional contacts:
Million Solar Roof program: Curtis Framel, DOE, (206) 553-7841.
Energy Star Building programs: Sandra Boston, EPA, (415) 744-1209.
Contact/Agency Project
1 Mr. James Barone Environmental Management Directorate Sacramento Air Logistics Center 3237 Peacekeeper Way, Suite 1 McClellan AFB, CA 95652-1044 100 electric vehicles, 100 compressed gas fuel vehicles
2 James Meadows, Executive Director Facilities Sustainability Department, The Presidio Trust 34 Graham Street P.O. Box 29052 San Francisco, CA 94129-0052 lighting upgrade, lease 15 electric vehicles
3 Lt. Col. David Brewer Civil Engineer Squadron Luke Air Force Base, 56 CES/CC 13970 West Lighting Street Luke Air Force Base, AZ 85309 low water desert landscaping
4 John Walsh, GSA, Los Angles Service Center
Roston Manoukian, GSA, Los Angles Service Center water recirculation, lighting upgrades, future energy efficient kitchen equipment, future chiller upgrade.
5 BENJAMIN TORRES District Manager U.S. Postal Service -- Sacramento District 3775 Industrial Blvd West Sacramento ca 95799-0010
lighting upgrades at 11 buildings; FY 2000 ENERGY RETROFITS Industry Processing & Distribution Center- HID Dimmer Controls Anaheim Processing and Distribution Facility- HID Dimmer Controls Lighting Retrofits- San Juan Capistrano Post Office (formerly Mission Viejo Post Office), San Clemente Post Office, and Dana Point Post Office Anaheim Processing and Distribution Facility- Compressed Air System Modifications,
Pomona Vehicle Maintenance Facility- Compressed Air System Modifications Santa Ana Processing and Distribution Center- Compressed Air System Modifications Industry Processing and Distribution Center- Compressed Air System Modifications
6 Yosemite Park, Division of Facilities Management, National Park Service Dave Mihalic, Superintendent, El Portal, Calif.
future energy savings thru improved air handling system, lighting upgrades, remove PCB's, high-efficient boiler.
7 David Shapiro, District Manager Santa Ana Customer Svc./Sales District 3101 W. Sunflower Avenue Santa Ana, CA 92799-9993
Santa Ana Performance Cluster, United States Postal Service lighting upgrades
8 Steven M. Clark, Robert Blanchard, Greg Herren,
Pacific Rim Region, General Services Administration, 450 Golden Gate, 5th floor west San Francisco, CA, 94102 energy upgrades at buildings, leasing up to 80 electric vehicles General Services Administration, Pacific Rim Region
9 Joyce Sengpaseuth, Utilities Department Navy Public Works Center, San Diego three 225 kW wind turbines, color photos. 675 KW Wind Diesel Hybrid Energy System, San Clemente Island, CA.
Contact/Agency Project
1 Kenneth Decker, Regional Energy Program Office;
Mike Magee, Navy Environmental Leadership Program
Navy Region Southwest 937 No. Harbor Drive San Diego, CA 92132-0058 21.6 kW photovoltaic system to power electric cars, two other photovoltaic systems
at 15kW and 80 kW. PROJECT: 21.6 KW Photovoltaic Installation, Building 678, Naval Air Station, North Island, CA
2 Ted Sawyer, Regional Energy Program Office
Navy Region Southwest 937 No. Harbor Drive San Diego, CA 92132-0058 15 KW Photovoltaic Installation, Building 3300, Naval Station, SanDiego, CA
3 Meg Hylton, FACSFAC SCORE DET (see next page) c/o Captain Kenneth T. Marion, FACSFAC-DET SCORE Naval Air Station, North Island P.O. Box 357062 San Diego, CA 92135-7062 photovoltaic Power System, REWS Site, San Clemente Island, CA
4 (See next page) Sierra Nevada Region - Western Area Power Administration
Bob Parkins Energy Services Manager WAPA 114 Parkshore Drive Folsom, CA 95630
106 kW photovoltaic system demonstration site
5 Joelle Buffa, Fish & Wildlife Service - Farallon National Wildlife Refuge
Marge Kolar San Francisco Bay - NWR Farallon National Wildlife Refuge P.O. Box 524 Newark, CA 94560 6.84 kW photovoltaic system supplies 90% of remote field station electricity.
6 Nate Eisenpress, Navy Region Hawaii
c/o Rear Admiral John W. Townes III COMNAVREG Hawaii 517 Russell Avenue, suite 110 Pearl Harbor, HI 96860-4884 2 kW photovoltaic installation
7 Lake Mead National Recreation Area Employees
c/o Alan O'Neill, Superintendent Lake Mead National Recreation Area - NPS 601 Nevada Highway Boulder City, NV 89005 photovoltaic system for remote fire camp
8 Charles (Chip) McCreery, National Weather Service -Pacific Tsunami Warning Center
c/o Richard H. Hagemeyer NWS Pacific Region headquarters Grosvenor Center Mauka 2200 Honolulu, HI 96813 5 passive solar water heaters, 30 photovoltaic light fixtures, photos.
9 Allen Tom, Sanctuary Manager Hawaii Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary 726 South Kihei Road Kihei, Maui, HI 96753 2 passive solar water heaters, 7.5 kW photovoltaic system, solar light fixtures.
Contact/Agency Project
1 Major General John D. Thomas, Jr. Commanding General United States Army Intelligence Center and Fort Huachuca Fort Huachuca, Arizona 85613-6000 fuel cell, solar pool heater, 5 solar water heaters, 9.8 kW photo voltaic systems.
2 Navy Housing Aloha Center, US Navy Region Hawaii
CDR Ava-Marie A. Howard, ACOS for Housing, Navy Region Hawaii, 988 Spence St, Bldg 2652, Honolulu, HI 96818 156 solar water heaters, lighting retrofits, Moanalua Terrace Phase I and Doris Miller Park Housing Solar Water Heating Installation Projects
3 John R. Porter, National Weather Service HQ- Guam Weather Forecast Office
c/o Jack Kelley, Director of National Weather Service 1325 East West Highway Silver Spring, MD 20910-3283 SSMC2/18150 301-713-0689
Herman Chan, National Weather Service Pacific Region Headquarters -Guam Weather Forecast Office
c/o Richard H. Hagemeyer NWS Pacific Region headquarters Grosvenor Center Mauka 2200 Honolulu, HI 96813 green building incorporating salt/wind/drought resistant landscape material, low exterior maintenance building materials, energy efficient lights and HVAC, solar water heater, low VOC interior materials to minimize indoor air pollution, use of recycled building materials, in-house recycling, proposed fuel cell and photovoltaic systems.
4 Solid Waste Management, Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area
Superintendent Art Eck, Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area, 401 West Hillcrest Dr. Thousand Oaks, CA 91360 recycle horse manure, future photovoltaic system.
5 Brian O'Neill, Superintendent Golden Gate National Recreation Area, National Park Service Building 201, Fort Mason San Francisco, CA 94123 hydrogen fuel cell, water less urinal, recycled tile, energy efficient lighting, plastic lumber, 4 kW photovoltaic system, future 85 kW photovoltaic system, electric scooters, 19 natural gas vehicles, natural gas refueling station.
6 Jesse Durazo, Vice President, Operations U.S. Postal Service Pacific Area, Environmental Program 400 Oyster Point Blvd. Suite 500 South San Francisco, CA 94099-0100 lease 16 electric minivans, proposal to use green power at 1300 California post offices, lighting and compressor upgrades, to install photovoltaic systems at seven postal buildings in So. Calif., to use methane gas from landfill to power generators, to purchase 500 electric vehicles, photos, video available.
7 James Wharrie, Jr., Senior Property Manager General Services Administration - West 11000 Wilshire Blvd. Los Angeles Property Management Office, Los Angles, CA 90024 energy efficient chiller, to install solar water heating system.
8 Trip Reduction Program- Civil Engineering Services, Luke Air Force Base
Lt. Col. David Brewer Luke Air Force Base, 56 CES/CC 13970 West Lighting Street Luke Air Force Base, AZ 85309 300 electric carts and vehicles, 18 solar powered carts, future solar powered recharging station.
9 Captain Robert Lachowski Coast Guard MLCPAC(s) Coast Guard Island Alameda CA 94501
c/o Commander Cutts Matthew Civil Engineering Unit, US Coast Guard 300 Ala Moana Blvd. Room 8-134 Honolulu, HI 96850-4982 79 solar hot water heating systems, energy efficient lighting systems, future energy efficient/ solar systems.

View selected historical press releases from 1970 to 1998 in the EPA History website.