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Ten education projects receive EPA funds

Release Date: 8/31/2005
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      Denver -- The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in August awarded nearly $190,000 in grants to help fund 10 environmental education projects in Region 8.
“Each year, we offer financial assistance to worthy environmental projects that encourage students to study their environment and better understand various sides to complex environmental issues,” said EPA’s Regional Administrator, Robert E. Roberts. “These funds can support state, local and tribal environmental education organizations while promoting environmental stewardship.”

The Environmental Education Grant Program is sponsored by the EPA's Office of Environmental Education. Since 1992, EPA Region 8 has awarded approximately $190,000 each year in grant funding for environmental education projects. Eligible applicants include local education agencies, state education, or environmental agencies, college or universities, tribal education agencies, not-for-profit organizations and noncommercial educational broadcasting entities.

This year’s recipients are:

Center for Green Space Design (CGSD) - $20,000
Christie Oostema, 311 South 900 East, Suite 201, Salt Lake City, UT 84102
West Capitol Hill Environmental Education Project: A Community-Based Environmental Education Effort

Colorado Energy Science Center (CESC) - $24,300
Patrick Keegan, 1626 Colorado Blvd., Suite 375, Lakewood, CO 80401
Community-Based Energy Education in Urban Schools

Colorado State University (CSU) - $10,339
Carmen Morales, 2002 Sponsored Programs, Fort Collins, CO 80523
Issue Investigation and Action Training for Middle School

Environmental Learning for Kids (ELKS) - $25,000
Stacie Gilmore, 14460 E. 50th Avenue, Denver, Colo., 80239
Learning Environmental Activities for Families

National Energy Foundation (NEF) - $10,000
Robert Poulson, 3676 California Ave. Suite A117, Salt Lake City, UT 84104
Energy Efficiency and Clean Fuels for Utah Driver Education Program

North Dakota State University (NDSU) - $14,620
Valrey Kettner, Box 5756, NDSU Station, Fargo, ND 58105-5756
Educating NDSU Students about Environmental Issues in Architecture

Regents of the University of Colorado (RCU) - $29,070
Ralph L. Brown, 3100 Marine St. Campus Box 572, Rm, 481, Boulder, CO 80309-0572
Teacher’s Guide: My Water Comes From the Mountains

Thorne Ecological Institute (TEI) - $30,000
Mrs. Jessica Abel Feld, PO Box 19107, Boulder, CO 80308
Connecting Students to Nature and Environmental Careers

Watershed Education Network (WEN) - $16,200
Debbie Fasshecht, The Swift Building, 315 S. 4th St. East, Missoula, MT 59801
Missoula County Watershed Education Network (WEN) Program

Zion Natural History Association (ZNHA) - $10,000
Eileen M. Smith, Zion Natural History Association, Zion National Park, Springdale, UT 84767
Project DEEP – Diversity in Environmental Education and Environmental Protection

For project descriptions, please visit our Web site at:

For more information about the 2005 EE Grant Program, please visit our Web site at: